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VFX Enthusiast

 "You can't use up creativity, the more you use the more you have."

- Oscar Wilde.

Album No.1

VFX Compositing

Album No.2


Album No.3

Filming and Editing



My name is Jessie Burgess.


I am a Creative Specialist at Foundry, where I work in and discuss Nuke, NukeX, NukeStudio, Hiero and HieroPlayer. As well as Flix for storyboarding and pre production and Mari for texturing. My first love and study when in college was VFX Compositing, it's my passion and joy to discover more and learn more about the industry, where it's going, whats happening in it while becoming the artist i've wanted to be since discovering VFX.

Check out my Vimeo, LinkedIn and IMDB.


When it comes to visual effects, I have the skills and determination for the best outcome possible - I learn quickly and am willing to explore new software and ideas. Compositing to me is where the magic happens. I love seeing the assets and frames come together to become one image, frame, sequence and the final outcome. That's fulfilment! 


My creative nature is enhanced by photography and I delight in capturing interesting images, manipulating or comping assets on them and using this art in my own work.

My interests extend to dance and music where I revel in listening to a varied genre of music some of which I play on either my violin, guitar or ukulele. 

I continue to express my love of all things artistic by being involved in Swing dance and accompanying events.


Jessie Burgess

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